
Why are we so afraid of change?

Even though change can be difficult and forced, especially when losing someone you love or something you treasure.

Like we all already know, change is inevitable.

Our lives, careers and relationships change from time to time even though we don’t want it to at times.

Change is not bad at all – it’s a start to a new aspect of one’s life.

We all get afraid of change at some point in our lives.

It’s normal to fear the unknown, whether you’re taking a new career path or moving to a new environment.

We tend to get comfortable with what we know and love, and sometimes that can make us too relaxed in our lives.

We live in a world today where things are constantly changing and evolving.

One has no choice but to change with the times, to remain relevant and on the loop of what’s happening around them.

Check how far we have come in terms of technology in the past decade, we now have apps that tell you how much your lobola is estimated at.

Social media has taken over, we now chat with our friends more often than we visit them.

That’s change that we can’t run away from but have to embrace.

Making peace with the fact that things will forever change and nothing stays the same is an important lesson that one must learn.hen your life changes drastically and you feel like its’s the end of the world.

Huge life changes can make or break one’s will to carry on, and be the same again.

Learning to deal with change has always been a tough thing for most of us and it will continue to be a struggle.

Equipping yourself with a positive and optimistic attitude could make life much easier.

Changes in our lives come and go and they bring good and not so good experiences, but the most important thing is to always learn from them.

The essence of life is to enjoy every moment you have, and make every moment count.

The changes in our lives ought to happen and are a stepping stone to another phase of our lives.

It’s normal to be afraid at first, and with time, the change you were once so afraid of becomes your norm.

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