Why do we kill each other?

It seems as if killing someone these days is no longer a big issue.

People kill each other as if there is a prize to be won after the killing.

What I have noticed is that in most cases the deceased are robbed of their lives by those who are close to them.

At the beginning of this week the country woke up to the news about the death of one of the most loved rap music artists, Nkululeko ‘Flabba’ Habedi who was allegedly killed by his girlfriend at his home.

How much of an argument can lead one to stab to death someone who she claims to love and care for?

Sometimes I wonder why taking away one’s life has become so easy.

Everyday in the news,we read and hear about women killed by their husbands or men robbed of their lives by their wives or girlfriends.

Recently, I read about the two siblings who killed their brother over a R10.

I mean, does a person’s life worth that amount of money?.

I cannot even imagine how much pain do the parents of the three boys are go through.

They have to accept the fact that they will never see their son again, while also have to share their home with his murderers.

Can we put the blame to the parents and accuse them of not raising their children in a right way if children grow up to be murderers?.

I doubt that there is any parent who hopes to be raising up a gangster, murderer or a rapist, so let us not point fingers to the parents for their children’s behaviour.

All parents strive to give good guidance to their children, however things do not always go the way that they want.

Where are the pastors and bishops to pray against the spirit of killing and talk to God who will answer their prayers.

It is not a joke that some of the citizens in this country have been turned to prisoners in their own homes by the criminals who are always hungry to take other peoples lives after robbing them.

I believe that the police are doing all in their power to protect the citizens, but they can not do it on their own.

The police need the support from the community which will stop protecting those who break the law.

This country needs people who will stand up against criminals and protect each other against crime.

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