
Your chariot awaits Miss Fudgie-wena

Mom and Alpha went off and left me all alone at home.

I sat on the balcony and watched them leave.

My poor little furry heart was thudding in my chest.

Oh no! How was I ever going to go for walks in the veld again?

Poor me.

Looked around for something illicit to chew but nothing grabbed my attention.

It was hot and I was lazy.

Flopped on the couch and sussed out the skinny snack across the road. It yapped at me.

Showed it some snarly fangs. Then dozed.

Wasn’t long and I heard noise at our front door.

They were home already and I never heard the car come in.

Hmmm…. yes that’s right – it’s the new car and I’m not used to the sound of it yet.

They came inside waving stuff around. Big black stuff.

Seeing as they had been away without me – I was not interested in the stuff.

Was far more interested in my due reward of a bacon rollie from the kitchen cupboard.

Had to do some serious dancing pig moves before mom twigged and handed over my loot.

Alpha attached the skinny, flappy black thing to the fat black thing. Mom supervised.

I rooted around in the garden for some Hadedah poop to roll around in.

The front door banged… Mom called… Come try this out Fudges.

The back door of the monster car was open.

Thought okay, okay – I’ll have another bash at trying to jump up there.

But the big black thing was in the way.

Looked at mom.

Well! You going to move that stuff or what?

Alpha rolled his eyes in a most sarcastic manner and muttered something about a “doff hond”.

He then proceeded to step into the car using the black thing.

Try it Fudges, said mom. She patted the black box.

Tried to edge around it. Nope – no space.

Eventually got fed-up with all the foofelling around.

Poiiinggg Poiinnggggg… bounced onto the black box and onto the seat.

Sat next to Alpha and smiled at him.

Not too shabby hey?

Apparently I’m supposed to use the black step when I get out too – but after trying to avoid it and nose-diving into the ground a couple of times – we’ve compromised.

I use it to get into the car but can get out all by my own furry self!

* As told to Ginny Stone

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