Help find parents

The social workers from Department of Social Development Geluksdal need the community’s help to find these people:

• Philisiwe Mtuyedwa and the father of Siphesihle Mtuyedwa, born on August 29, 2008. Anyone with information on this case can call Brenda Mothibe on 011 738 0440.

• The father of Nkokozo Mapule Mohlala, born on June 14, 2012. The mother, Sharon Mohlala, is deceased.
Anyone with information on this case can call Tshifhiwa Tshivhase on 011 738 0440.

• The father of Happiness Mokgotho, born on July 15, 2013. The mother, Borolelo Maatshwane Mokgotho, is deceased.

• The father of Mzwakhe Zungu, born on October 31, 2010.The mother, Ntema Zungu, is deceased.

• The father of David Psalms Mokoena, born on February 16, 2013.The mother, Simphiwe Anna Mokoena, is deceased. Anyone with information on these cases can call Maphoto Kgomo on 011 738 0440.

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