SA Home Loans donates 15 new soccer kits

The Gauteng East District soccer team were sponsored with new soccer kits.

The Gauteng East District’s soccer team were gifted new soccer kits from SA Home Loans during a handover at Eureka High School on May 10. The team received soccer uniforms, bucket hats and water bottles.

Poovan Chetty, the district official at the handover, touched on the importance of maintaining a work-life balance.

“It is unhealthy sitting in the office all day without being active. When one plays sports, they can balance their mental stability.

“This upliftment initiative is for the district team. Participating in sports helps employees engage with one another outside of the workplace,” he remarked.

The team comprises the district employees in the Gauteng East District Department of Education, who showed eagerness to try on their new soccer gear.

District official Poovan Chetty with SA Home Loans employees Siboniso Biyela, Ruth Makama and Ntando Majola.

“We had soccer kits, but sometimes, it would take about two years before we got new ones, so it was hard to alternate.

“Sometimes, we would be playing in a match, and you’d find that our soccer gear is the same colour as the opposing team, so these soccer kits will help us be unique,” Walter Kaule, the team’s manager, said.

Ruth Makama, an employee at SA Home Loans, said this handover marked the first time the company sponsored the Gauteng East District.

She said the sponsors want to give back to the community by donating to schools in the future.

“As time goes, we can maybe help a school child or refurbish a bathroom,” she said.

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