GAPS festival boosts learners’ creativity

GAPS invites primary and high schools not yet engaged with the programme to join and enrich their educational offerings.

Gauteng Arts for Public Schools (GAPS) held a visual arts festival for learners at Theo Twala Primary School on Thursday.

GAPS gave the 50 participating learners from various primary schools an hour to pencil self-portraits.

“We are trying to initiate inter-school participation in arts and culture. We want to give the children a chance to showcase their creativity.

“Often, we see that many children who excel in sports and academics have avenues to pursue their dreams. But in art, that is still lacking.

“We want to catch them young and nurture them. And by the time they get to high school, they are just perfecting their craft,” explained the founding director of GAPS, Nyeleti Majuba.

Musa Radebe, who refers to himself as a serial artist because he spends much time learning various art forms, was one of the adjudicators.

“I started doing art here at Theo Twala in the school choir. Eventually, while studying law in the Vaal, art overpowered everything. I left law to focus on my craft and become an artist.”

Radebe founded Isintu, where he creates jackets using African traditional-inspired materials.

“Isintu are the ways of the people. That made me want to learn more about what people used to create with their hands. I’d love to see more artists come out of their shells, especially from a young age.

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“When growing up, we were encouraged to be lawyers and engineers. That is why I studied law. But I later realised I am an artist and proud of it,” he said.

Radebe said it all starts with basics, showing the learners how to draw a face. The details of more festival dates and venues will be communicated directly to school principals.

Furthermore, GAPS invites primary and high schools not yet engaged with the programme to join and enrich their educational offerings.

Interested schools can contact Daisy Mkhonza on for more information.

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