Sports day gets little feet moving

Duduza – Pre-schoolers aged three to five participated in a sports day at Duduza Multipurpose Centre on April 19. The children’s competitive spirit came to the fore as they participated in physical activities such as ball hooping, ball throwing, running, bike racing and jumping with a sack. Over 1 000 children from 28 daycare centres …

Duduza – Pre-schoolers aged three to five participated in a sports day at Duduza Multipurpose Centre on April 19.

The children’s competitive spirit came to the fore as they participated in physical activities such as ball hooping, ball throwing, running, bike racing and jumping with a sack.

Over 1 000 children from 28 daycare centres across Duduza took part in the event. The children were filled with energy and little giggles as they played together.

“The function went well; we had social workers and sponsors present. We would like to thank Jobe Foundation, J&B and Slender for sponsoring us,” said Elizabeth Mqoqwa Mokfokeng, principal of Kgatelopele Day Care Centre.

“It’s important for the children to meet and develop their communication skills in this social space. All of them were awarded certificates of participation,” she added.

Social workers attended the sports day to help the teachers monitor the children. Senior social worker of the CoE, Jennifer Modiga, said sports events enhance children’s motor skills.

“We have developed daycare centres. In most cases, only the developed centres have sufficient playground equipment.

“Some crèches don’t have playgrounds where the children can enhance their key cognitive and physical skills.

“Events like these are helpful because the children have an opportunity to holistically develop,” she said.

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