Residents in the dark for 20 hours

Technicians hard at work to resolve power outage in Kwa-Thema.

Kwa-Thema- Residents are requested to be patient as technicians attempt to repair Monareng Substation.

Some residents have been without electricity since 14:00 on Monday.

This after load-shedding was expected from 14:00 to 16:30 but the lights did not come back on.
“When technicians attempted to switch the power back on in the afternoon, it tripped.

“We spent the rest of the afternoon and part of the night trying to figure out where the problem is.

“All the cables are working as they should. They were tested.

“The problem seems to be coming from the transformer,” explained Ward 74 Clr Thulani Simelane.

Simelane is on site and hopes that a solution will be found soon.

Also read: DA forces energy MMC to account for missing Kwa-Thema transformer

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