Enrol your child for extra lessons at the Institute of Mathematics

The organisation has extended its programmes to primary school learners.

Kwa-Thema – The Institute of Mathematics (IM) encourages parents to enrol their grades one and two children for extra lessons.

The organisation has extended its programmes to primary school learners. All learners in Grades One and Two who need help with maths can now apply.

The institute has offered maths support to Kwatsaduza learners since 2011, amounting to over 7 000 learners.

The institute’s founder, Ntsane Mashiloane, said this programme saw some learners improve in maths from level 2 to level 7.

“Classes run Monday to Thursday from 14:30 to 16:00 at Phulong Secondary, Langaville Secondary, Unity Secondary, NN Ndebele Secondary and MOM Sebone Secondary, and on Saturdays from 08:00 to 13:00,” he explained.

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Mashioloane said they were adding other schools for primary learners. The schools are Masimini Primary, Ntokozweni Primary, Job Maseko Primary, Sechaba Primary, Roseview Primary, Zakheni Primary and Menzi Primary.

Youths from Kwa-Thema, Tsakane, Duduza and Daveyton are also encouraged to apply for the 2022/2023 IM mentorship programme.

In it, mentees are equipped with leadership, management, communication, entrepreneurial, tutoring and professional grooming skills.

They are placed in schools to help Grade One to 12 learners with mathematics in the afternoons and on Saturdays.

Once they have served their term, they receive a certificate and can start their own centres. Those interested can contact Masiloane on 076 889 6002 during office hours.

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