Kwatsaduza community marches against GBVF

Community calls for GBVF to end.

Kwatsaduza – Hundreds of residents from Kwatsaduza took to the streets last Friday to march against the brutal killing of Lerato Kale and women who fell victim to Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF).

Nineteen-year-old Lerato was found dead under a pile of wet clothes at her home in Tsakani. Her hands and feet were tied together with a doek. She was strangled and bled through her nose and ears.

This happened as the country observed Women’s Month.

The Gauteng Department of Social Development, as part of the United Nations (UN) Orange UNiTE campaign, invited the community of Kwatsaduza, law enforcement, government departments and civil society organisations to wage war against perpetrators of GBVF.

The march took place along six different routes, from Kwa-Thema via Duduza rank, from Duduza SAPS via Nala Street, Tsakani Ext 9 and 10 (Buhle Car Wash), Gelaksdul Hall via Uittog Street, Langaville Raditsela Clinic and all marches converged at the corner of Malandela and Xhosa streets as it headed to the Tsakani Stadium.

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Brother of slain Lerato, Tumelo Motaung, said it was a traumatic experience to see his sister’s lifeless body lying on the floor.

“The way she was killed was an unpleasant thing to see which I don’t want anyone else to experience. Our family is still in shock, even now, we still find it difficult to accept that she is gone,” said Motaung.

He further applauded the community for coming together and taking a stand to raise awareness against the brutal killing of women.

“We hope justice will be served. The suspect has been arrested and will be appearing on September 14 at the Tsakani Magistrate’s Court,” added Motaung.

Sergeant Lebohang Ramaise from Tsakani SAPS reiterated that GBV is rampant in the area and called on communities to work together with police to curb the scourge of GBVF.

“We encourage women to come forth, report cases of abuse and stay away from abusive relationships. We will help you to obtain a protection order and peace letters from the court. We will serve it and tell the perpetrator what he should not do,” said Ramaise.

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“Since July 2022, 674 cases of GBV were reported to Tsakani SAPS. Out of those cases, we made 342 arrests and 156 cases were withdrawn, 22 were found guilty by the court and sentenced, 264 cases were withdrawn at court and 36 suspects were given diversion programmes by the court.

“Safety starts with every one of us. We need to act and change the mindset of perpetrators for a better and safer society.”

Gauteng Department of Social Development, chief director for research, population development and stakeholder relations, Bongani Ngomane said Tsakani is one of the hotspots for GBVF and in the last three months, more than three women have been brutally killed.

“We are humbled that two of the families who are victimised are here to support the march, and as the department we are here to advocate for women’s rights, peace and harmony,” added Ngomane.

The department will continue to observe the Orange UNiTE campaign on the 25th of every month to call upon activists, governments and communities to mobilise and highlight issues relevant to preventing and ending violence against women and children.

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