CONTRALESA empowers local small-scale farmers in Gauteng

“Ours is to give messages of hope for a better future where our people escape poverty,” he said.

Kwa-Thema – Traditional Leadership under the aegis of the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) are determined to retain societal peace and stability and encourage people to engage in small-scale farming.

This was to help bring hope, to remind them that Traditional Leadership still had a role to play in the growth of their communities.

On Saturday, they continued their campaign by visiting various communities in Gauteng.

Among the delegation was iKosi Abram Mabena, iKosi Mandla Mlungwana from CONTRALESA and the Royal Manala Makerana Traditional Council, the provincial secretary of CONTRALESA, uNdabezitha Dubulegeqe Tom.

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Mlungwana said with small-scale farming families would be able to sustain themselves.

“We are seeing continued unemployment in this country because many families live from hand to mouth while others rely on government grants. Ours is to give messages of hope for a better future where our people escape poverty,” he said.

During the visit, they donated seeds as a start-up for the beneficiaries. Mlungwana said they would visit the sites to assess progress.

“We want to see this project through to ensure the beneficiaries end up being able to supply to the local shops and even big retailers with their produce,” he said.

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