All Nation lose top three spot in the league table

PCF is still at the bottom of the log, not having won any games.

Langaville – As the Tsakani Build It league reached its half-season mark, teams were in their transfer windows – July 3 to 24 – where team members could cross from one team to another.

League founder Votile Jack said, “Any player can move to any team of his choice. Any team can change their playing personnel during this time.

“No player will be allowed to play for different masters leagues after this period.

“If, after the window registration period has closed and we find certain players playing in another masters league, their names will be removed from the team list, and the team will not be able to add another player until the end of the season.”

The league games took place at the Langaville Ext 1 Ground on Sunday.

The results were as follows:

Brothers Masters and Amabhubezi drew one-all. Bazingeli still tops the log with 26 points, followed by Duduza XI with 25.

All Nation is no longer in the top three after they lost to Zethembe. Amabhubezi has joined the top three teams.

After 11 games, PCF is still at the bottom of the log because they have yet to win a game. The games will continue on Sunday at the Malandela Ground in Tsakani.

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