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Duduza resident shot and killed over a portion of her stand

Edina's daughter Efie Mbala said they were alerted by her mother crying and screaming for help outside.

Duduza – A seven-year-long feud over a two-meter portion of Edina Mbala’s stand with her neighbours has ended in death.

The 53-year-old from Duduza was allegedly assaulted with a sjambok before she was shot and killed by her neighbour on Sunday.

Edina’s daughter Efie Mbala said they were alerted by her mother crying and screaming for help outside.

“We found her being assaulted with a sjambok by the suspect’s wife and moments later the husband came charging armed with a firearm.

The deceased’s son Mzwandile Zwane is demanding justice for his mother.

“My 15-year-old brother tried to diffuse the fight and disarm the suspect but he was stronger and before we knew it she was shot in her upper body.

“After shooting her, he insisted on driving my mother to hospital where she was certified dead after arrival,” she said.

Efie explained the feud started seven years ago after the suspect moved in demanding that we demolish parts of the yard that overlapped into his.

“The metro stepped in to resolve the size of the stand, my mother was forced to demolish two meters of her yard, and a wall to her seven rented rooms as requested.

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“This was not enough. The suspect kept complaining that his yard was flooded because of the position of the roof depositing water in their direction.

“He would push the roof at night while the tenants were sleeping. My mom then decided to build a wall preventing him from accessing the wall.

“On Sunday, my mom was working with the builder to finish building the security wall when she was attacked,” she added.

Regional police spokesperson Captain Neldah Sekgobela confirmed that they are investigating a case of murder.

“The suspect has been arrested and appeared before the Nigel Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday,” she said.

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