Pensioners determined to complete matric

“It is never too late to go back to school."

Kwa-Thema – Two pensioners, Patrick Xaba (65) and Lawrence Xipu (63), have dedicated themselves to completing matric.

They are learners at the Kwa-Thema Learning Centre.

Though Lawrence completed his matric in 1993 after dropping out in 1975 while in Grade 10, he decided to go back to school to rewrite mathematics, the only subject he failed.

“After completing my matric I studied through UNISA towards a qualification in social work and even acquired a master’s degree in the field.

“With all the achievements I acquired over the years, I always wanted to add the subject to my matric certificate but kept postponing it. Now that I am retired, I plucked up enough courage to finally achieve this goal,” he said.

Patrick dropped out of school in the late 70s while in Grade Nine to pursue a fast life. He was arrested for robbery, a crime for which he served 12 years in prison. He was released in 2010.

“I tried going back to studying and completed Grade Nine while in prison but being part of a gang kept me occupied and my studies were compromised so I decided to drop out.

“I promised myself that once I get out I will fulfil this dream,” he added.

He finally gained the courage to go back to studying last year but he only passed four out of the six modules he was enrolled for. This didn’t deter him and he is enrolled for mathematics, EMS and IsiZulu.

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“Through the help of other learners and my girlfriend, my grades are improving and I am hoping to complete the grade to move to the upper level.

“I will not stop studying until I have my matric, even if it takes me more years than expected to,” added the pensioner.

He is encouraging others to use the opportunity offered by the centre to improve their grades.

“It is never too late to go back to school. These schools are made for us to help rectify the mistakes we made while growing up,” he said.

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