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Community members clean unkempt park

Community members took matters into their own hands and cleaned the park.

Kwa-Thema – The community on Motsugi Street in White City, Kwa-Thema, is fed up with the illegal dumping happening at the White City Park because it is not maintained.

The community members took it upon themselves to clean the park on Wednesday.

 Also Read: A corner-to-corner cleaning campaign
Among those who participated was 85-year-old pensioner Lucy Songo, who said her wish is for the unemployed youth who frequent the park to find employment. She says that will also help to decrease crime.

Jabu Madonsela said, “We are fed up as a community, hence we are taking matters into our hands.

“I’ve reported this matter to the councillor, yet it seems to fall on deaf ears. It’s as if the councillor does not care.

Also Read: Metro cleans up its act – starts with dumpsites
“People from other streets around here come to dump their rubbish at this park.

“I do try, at times, to stop them. Sometimes I keep guard at midnight. Those that I see I tell to pick up their rubbish and go back to where they came from. This puts my life at risk because I anger them.”

Madonsela said he asked the boys who hang around the park to help clean and bought them food, drinks and cigarettes.

Community member Thembi Skosana said, “If parks are dirty, we risk contracting diseases. The smell of the rubbish also causes pollution.

“There’s also a piece of land behind the park where we would like to farm. However, it has been closed, and we can’t access it.”

Peter Mcebi, another community member, said the gym equipment at the park is broken. They used to use the park to exercise in as a community.

“I have been reporting the matter to the ward committee and the councillor for over a year. However, nothing has been done to fix the equipment,” said Mcebi.

Nineteen-year-old Njabulo Mazibuko said the park is dirty and smelly and an unhealthy place for children to play.
Thulane Mathe said, “I’m playing my part in helping the community. Children can’t play here anymore because they are not free to do so.”

Ward 79 Councillor Njabulo Mbonani said, “I am aware of the complaints as Mcebi and Madonsela would run them past me.

“Things have changed in the metro. We can do some things for ourselves as community members.
“We are the ones who do illegal dumping. If we can stop that, we will have clean parks.

“We do engage with the metro. However, we are told there’s no budget or no TLB (tractor-loader-backhoe) when areas like this need a TLB to help maintain it.”

Mbonani said grass cutting is a problem in the metro, even at clinics, and if the grass is not cut, the area becomes a crime hotspot.

“As a councillor, I’ll continue trying to push the municipality to deliver services.

“I don’t understand how the metro is broke when they were given a budget in July.

“We need to also work with law enforcement to put up ‘no illegal dumping’ signs and make sure that those who don’t comply are arrested,” said Mbonani.

Mbonani was at a funeral when he was called to the park.

“It’s a good thing that the community is hands-on today. I wish I was informed of the programme so that I could have joined in the clean-up and assisted with other things such as the cleaning materials,” concluded Mbonani.

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