Voters share their views

Kwatsaduza – Voters share their views.

Kwatsaduza – Voters share their views.

Gloria Mahlanga: The power we hold as residents to make changes is in the votes. If we stay away from the polls, then we allow others to make these important decisions on our behalf. I decided to use this power and will continue to do so for many years. We need sidewalk paving in Ward 77 and tarred inner roads.
Akhona Khulwane: I am hoping that these elections will help open doors for everyone and bring better services to Ekurhuleni. We will only see these results if we all vote for candidates who we believe will deliver on their promises.
Justice Sanqela: We are concerned about the low turnout of voters. Only a few young people are coming through, which is a big concern. We need all people eligible to vote to come through. Staying away from the polls won’t bring us any change. We are hoping that more people will come in numbers in the evening.
Phillimon Mengezi Khuhlase: I will never stay away from the polls. That is my democratic right and I will always exercise it even when I am dissatisfied with how things are at the moment. My vote is my voice. We need to fight for more permanent jobs and better services, especially in the townships.

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