Missing taxi driver’s body found

“We were able to identify him from the wristwatch, ring and clothes he was wearing on the day he went missing,” she said.

Kwa-Thema -The body of missing Kwa-Thema taxi driver Mzwakhe Msimango has been found.
The 23-year-old from Extension Three was reportedly hijacked by three men, who posed as passengers, almost two months ago.
His body was found by a cattle herder in a veld near the N17 highway on Friday. The community had searched the surrounding area for his body the same day of his disappearance.

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The mini-taxi Msimango was driving was found abandoned at the Kwa-Thema Hostel a day after he was hijacked.
The deceased’s distraught sister Ntombi Msimango said his body was badly decomposed with visible stab wounds to his face.
“We were able to identify him from the wristwatch, ring and clothes he was wearing on the day he went missing,” she said.
Ntombi added their worst fears have turned into reality.
“As weeks went by without finding him, we feared that he might be killed and his body abandoned in one of the velds.
“We soon accepted that he might be dead and started searching for his body because an eyewitness told us he was badly stabbed during the hijacking,” she said.

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Duduza police spokesperson Const Nkululeko Mangudulela confirmed that the body was positively identified by the family.
“We are waiting for the post-mortem report to establish his cause of death. Once we know, the case will be charged from an inquest to murder,” he added.
After the deceased was reported missing, a witness who was allegedly in the taxi at the time of the incident, told the police the suspects boarded the taxi saying they were going to Mzombe Section.
“The first one jumped in the front passenger seat and the other one behind the driver and another next to me. A few minutes later the one behind the driver pulled out a knife and demanded money from him. He then started stabbing him in the chest.
“I managed to jump out of the moving vehicle as I feared for my life,” she said.

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