Hijacked taxi driver is missing

“We have searched local hospitals and mortuaries with no success."

Kwa-Thema – Being a taxi driver in Kwa-Thema, Tsakani and Duduza can be considered a dangerous occupation.
Daily, taxi drivers risk being hijacked, killed or robbed by criminals posing as passengers.
One of the recent victims is 23-year-old driver Mzwakhe Msimango from Extension Three, Kwa-Thema, who was hijacked by three men who posed as passengers last Tuesday evening.
He is missing following the incident.
Duduza police spokesperson Sgt Harry Manaka said hijackings in Kwatsaduza are increasing at an alarming rate.

Also read: Duduza taxi driver hijacked

“Some of the stolen and hijacked vehicles were found in Mpumalanga,” he said.
The mini-taxi Msimango was driving was found abandoned a day later at Kwa-Thema Hostel.
His distraught siste,r Ntombi Msingo, said they fear for his life.
“We have searched local hospitals and mortuaries with no success.
“We fear he might be lying dead somewhere because the witness who was in the taxi during the incident told the family he was stabbed multiple times in his upper body,” she said.
The witness, who requested to remain anonymous for her safety, said the suspects stopped the taxi saying they were going to Mzombe Section.

Also read: Taxi ride ends in hijacking

“The first one jumped in the front passenger seat and the other one behind the driver and another next to me.
“A few minutes later the one behind the driver pulled out a knife and demanded money from him. He then started stabbing him in the chest,” she explained.
“I managed to jump out of the moving car as I feared for my life.”
Kwa-Thema police spokesperson Const Nkululeko Magudulelo confirmed they are investigating a case of a missing person.
They are calling on anyone who might have information about the whereabouts of missing Msimango to come forward.

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