Hijackings on the rise in Kwa-Thema

Kwa-Thema alone has seen more than 30 cases reported in the area.

Kwa-Thema – Ekurhuleni has been hit with a wave of passenger vehicle hijackings since the start of 2021.

Local police spokesperson Const Nkululeko Magudulela explained that of the large number of vehicles hijacked, the victims were attacked between 8pm and midnight, Friday to Sunday.

“This is where the victim is either coming home from work, a party, tavern or bar or sitting outside in the vehicle visiting a friend and not paying attention to their surroundings.

“The targeted vehicles vary and no specific hot spot has been identified as the attacks are widely spread throughout Kwa-Thema,” he said.

The vehicles are said to be newer models ranging from small hatchbacks (Volkswagen, Audi), mid-sized sedans (Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi) to large SUVs (Toyota Hilux, Ford Ranger Isuzu KB) and even small Nissan NP200 with a huge resale black market value for spares.



Tips to keep you safe from hijackers

In many of the cases reported to Kwa-Thema SAPS, the hijackers were armed although only one per cent of the attacks involved a fatal shooting.

“This means the better prepared a potential victim is, the greater the possibility is of that person surviving the attack with limited physical injury.

“When we become unaware, we are virtually powerless and will remain actual or potential victims. Always be aware of your surroundings,” he added.

Passenger cars are being hijacked for several reasons, which include export and resale overseas, resale locally, spare parts and to use in the commission of crimes.

Bogus hijackings have also been reported and are reported for insurance fraud.

Hijackers tend to be very young, in their early 20s, although some victims report the presence of a ‘team leader’ who seemed older.

Magudulela added the hijackers are often well dressed, and sometimes but not always wear some sort of jacket under which they conceal weapons, mostly hand guns and knives and occasionally AK47 assault rifles.

The hijackers operate from motor cars although they have been known to attack on foot.

The cars they use vary but are normally inconspicuous vehicles, sometimes with tinted windows. Their driving habits are immediately suspicious.

“Before an attack, they may cruise slowly around a particular area (often for some days before the attack), without any apparent sense of purpose or specific direction.

“They may also simply sit in the car parked off the road or at a parking garage.

“Once a target is identified, two to four approach the target vehicle mostly armed with firearms. They would then forcefully and violently pursue the victim into granting them access to the target vehicle,” he said.

Police have revealed that to date, four suspected hijackers have been arrested in separate incidents where they were charged with possession of a hijacked motor vehicle.
All are currently on trial for the allegations laid against them.

Citizens are urged to make use of the 10111 telephone number if they find themselves in a hijacking or potential hijacking situation if possible.

“It is also open to anyone who sees a suspicious-looking vehicle either following them or loitering around a neighbourhood.

“Should you see a suspicious-looking car, please record a description of the vehicle and the registration.

“Then once out of view of this car (to protect yourself), report this to the 10111 number, giving the vicinity of the vehicle. Our most powerful weapon is the community’s awareness and the desire to contribute to the battle against this crime,” he said.

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