Two arrested for rape

It is alleged the girl was visiting the man's home last Wednesday evening when he sent his son to buy beer at a local tavern, leaving him and the teenager alone together.

Duduza – A 37-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly raping his 16-year-old neighbour.
It is alleged the girl was visiting the man’s home last Wednesday evening when he sent his son to buy beer at a local tavern, leaving him and the teenager alone together.
Duduza police spokesperson Sgt Harry Manaka explained the man used the opportunity to drag the victim into one of the bedrooms and raped her.

Also read: Kwa-Thema woman raped

The man was arrested on Saturday by sector police members.
In another incident, a man was arrested on Friday for attempting to rape a 44-year-old woman who was jogging along Fred Wagner Road next to the open veld in John Dube.
The man attacked and choked the victim from behind and dragged her into the long grass, where he attempted to undress her.

Also read: Duduza alleged rape suspect nabbed

The victim fought him off and overpower him by pulling his genitals.
She then ran to the main road and stopped a passing ambulance for help.
Both men are expected to appear in the Nigel Magistrate’s Court during the week.

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