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Lockdown blamed for drop in Duduza matric results

“We blame our poor performance on lockdown. Parents were concerned about their children's safety at school.”

Duduza – Not a single school in Duduza obtained a 90 per cent pass rate or more in the 2020 National Senior Certificate Exams.
School principals attributed the drop to tight Covid-19 lockdown regulations where lessons were disturbed.
Nimrod Ndebele Secondary School’s matric class achieved 75.95 per cent, a decrease from the 84.9 per cent pass rate the previous year.

Also read: Zimisele Secondary achieves 90 per cent matric pass rate

The school saw 161 learners successfully completing their matric, with 51 qualifying for a supplementary exam out of the 212 who sat for the exams.
They achieved 45 higher certificate admissions, 54 diploma admissions, 62 bachelor’s degree admissions.
Tandi Eleanor Sibeko Secondary School dropped from their 80.6 per cent pass rate achieved in 2019, which was a big improvement from their 2018 performance, to 73.9 per cent.

Veliswa Mncwabo, Elisa Magama and Mmamohau Nkalose are the top learners from Nimrod Ndebele Secondary School, each obtaining three distinctions.

MOM Seboni Secondary School, which saw 153 learners writing the exams, dropped from their 90 per cent pass rate in 2019 to 85.52 per cent.
They achieved 75 bachelor’s degree admissions, 49 diploma admissions and six higher certificate admissions.
The learners bagged 51 distinctions, the majority of which were for life orientation.
School principal Mandla Nkupane said they achieved 25 distinctions for history, four for life sciences, two for IsiZulu, one for tourism, one for geography, one for business studies, one for physics and one for English.

Also read: Lefa-Ifa matric results take a knock

“We blame our poor performance on lockdown. Parents were concerned about their children’s safety at school.
“We are happy our learners are back in school and their parents have committed to working with the school to ensure they are supported throughout the year,” he said.

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