Dojo students learn all the right moves

Shihan Cindi wants his students to be well rounded fighters

Karateka at the Shihan Michael Cindi’s Pan African Shotokan Karate Federation dojo in Selcourt was taught new self-defence moves on Saturday.
Sensei David Abdul taught these moves and was in the tradition of Kung-Fu and Tai-Chi. It included techniques for defending against two attackers.
He also showed the fighters new stretching exercises to increase their agility and prevent injury.

Also read: Seasoned and new karatekas taught Tai-Chi

“I want my students to become more rounded athletes. They have been taught traditional karate moves, and I think it’s time for them to learn some extra techniques.
“What they are learning today with Tai-Chi is about relaxing as a fighter, which is just as important as having a good technique,” said Cindi.
A massage therapist was also invited to the dojo as part of a new learning programme.
“She will come to help my students learn how to identify injuries and heal themselves when possible,” said Cindi.

Also read: Springs karatekas bring home a handful of medals

Cindi also plans on inviting a nutritionist to help his students develop and follow a healthy diet to improve their overall health.
These extra lessons from specialists come as part of a seminar held by the dojo, which aims to provide Cindi’s students with all the tools needed to prosper as students of karate.
Cindi hopes to host kata competitions at his dojo to get his students back to competing.

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