New tennis courts a hit-and-miss, say players

“We can only use the two courts without the security fence because they are a bit better than the other four.”

Kwa-Thema – The R3-million newly built Kwa-Thema Tennis Courts seem to be a flop even before it has been completed.
Construction of the courts started in 2018.
To date, two phases have been completed but players are not happy with the results.
The courts are surrounded by long grass, making it difficult for the players to access the courts.
Tennis coach Moses Ngwenya described the courts as a joke.

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“There is always something bad happening. Now we can’t even access the courts to practise because the grass is too long and the balls get lost in the mess.
“The surface is not level, making it difficult for the ball to take the direction the player is attempting to direct into and the surface is wearing off.

Kwa-Thema Tennis Courts surrounded by long grass.

“The courts were poorly constructed, yet there was a good budget set aside for this.
“We can only use the two courts without the security fence because they are a bit better than the other four.
“We can’t even host tournaments,” he said.
Ngwenya explained they were informed by the ward councillor that the third phase of the project is in the pipeline, but he questioned what difference this would make if the same project yielded poor results.
“We have asked for a high mast light to be installed for the players to be able to practise at night but from the third phase plans it was not added,” he said.

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In her response, Ward 78 councillor Zanele Nyakale said the challenge of uncut grass is not affecting the tennis players but the community at large.
“Residents in Springs and Kwatsaduza are also affected.
“The appointed constructor was prevented from cutting grass in the area by disgruntled sub-constructors.
“We are in talks with the two parties and hope to reach an agreement soon,” she said.
Nyakale explained she is aware that the tennis courts were poorly constructed.

Tennis coach Moses Ngwenya believes the Kwa-Thema Tennis Courts are a total waste of state funds.

“I know they are not level, making it difficult for the players to utilise the four courts, but we have asked the team to use the other two courts, which are better, for now.
“The courts are damaged because residents play soccer and erect tents for their social events.
“What is supposed to happen to the surface because it is not made for that?” she said.
Nyakale added they are waiting for the budget to be announced for the third phase of the project.
“In this phase they will build toilets, change rooms and the grandstand,” she said.


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