Out and about – stay safe

The excitement of getting ready for any event or celebration may make us forget to take simple safety precautions.

While many are still enjoying being at home, many residents will be out and about, enjoying summer fun.
Fidelity ADT Security cautions all residents to ensure they keep their family and home safe, whether they are out and about or just staying at home.
Here are some safety tips to keep you and your family safe:
Light up the night
Make your children easily visible with torches or glow sticks.
Always make sure children are accompanied by an adult or an older sibling.
Set a time limit for your children to be out. Designate a specific route for them to take. It is advisable to never allow young children be out on their own. Be alert for any speeding cars in the suburb
Never allow children to enter a stranger’s house.
There is no kind of visit that is worth a security risk so do not allow your children to enter a stranger’s house, no matter how appealing the offer.

Also read: Five safety tips for shopping during the festive season

Host your own event
If you want to be able to keep your home and children safe at the same time, consider having your own small gathering.
This will allow you to choose who your children are mingling with. But remember, your home can be a target too if perpetrators perceive that you are not paying attention to your surroundings.
While celebrating, always keep your remote panic with you while having a braai, ensure your perimeter is secure and do not let strangers into your home.
Arm your security system
The excitement of getting ready for any event or celebration may make us forget to take simple safety precautions.
Make sure to arm your security system and lock doors and windows before you leave your home.

Also read: Is it safe to drive while you’re pregnant?

Light up your home
Whether or not you have plans to go out on any night, be sure to keep your home well lit. Turn on a few lights around your home to give the impression that someone is home and still awake.
Additionally, well-lit areas outside your home will defer potential intruders or malicious pranksters by eliminating hiding places caused by shadows.
Wear your mask
Last but not least, Covid-19 has changed the way we do everything, make sure your family wear their masks at all times, adheres to social distancing rules and has sanitiser on hand.
“No one likes to think about crime and about what it can do to you or a loved one. Sadly, it has become a reality of life that we have to be prepared for and a subject we must address with our loved ones and our children,” said Charnel Hattingh, national marketing and communications manager of Fidelity ADT.

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