Local child welfare needs funding to stay afloat

“This would not be possible without a team effort from the board members, management, social workers and foster care parents."

Tsakani – Tsakani and Geluksdal Child Welfare continues to work with commitment and dedication towards the protection of vulnerable children in society. Speaking at the organisation’s AGM, which was held at the Tsakani Customer Care Centre on October 14, assistant director Melinda Cupido expressed gratitude to her team which works tirelessly to make society a better place for children. “This would not be possible without a team effort from the board members, management, social workers and foster care parents. “We are calling on businesses as well as the community to support the organisation with funding which is the lifeblood of the organisation’s continued existence.

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“We need as much support from our community as we can. “Establishing additional partnerships and efforts to secure funding remains a priority to our development,” she said. Cupido reflected upon some of the organisation’s accomplishments for the past year. “The team worked tirelessly to avoid foster care orders from lapsing and to ensure reports to the children’s court were improved and submitted on time. “Events such as the Ekurhuleni Regional Annual Child Protection Week celebration, the Tekkie Tax fund-raising and training for new and existing foster care parents were successfully held during the past year,” she said. She spoke of the trauma of losing Dhlozi Khoza, who was brutally murdered at the Child Welfare Gelukdal office last year. “We experienced massive trauma, fear and hopelessness after our dear administrator was taken from us in such a violent manner. “Her role is remembered with fondness and we remember her because we have become stronger in dealing with our challenges.

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“The organisation’s AGM is a crucial reflection of the organisation’s accountability and commitment towards the well-being of vulnerable children in the community,” she stated. For contributions and inquiries, contact Cupido on 011 732 3024 or 011 732 3048 or visit their office at the Tsakani Customer Care Centre at 10890 Nzima Street. Follow us on:   

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