Cheers to that

The product was launched in February.

Three friends born and bred in Tsakani have come together to express their passion for beer by creating a premium brew. Fourty Four is the brainchild of Sifiso Nhlapo, Machode Msiza and Vusi Radebe. “Townshipbrew is the company that produces the beer and Fourty Four is our flagship product,” explained Msiza. “We have been drinking beer over the years so it was an easy decision when we thought about something that can make us active in the economy. “That is when we decided to be a new-age brewery,” said Radebe. The product was launched in February.

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“The name Fourty Four pays homage to the undocumented numbers dialect of the hood. “We speak in numbers, 38 is All Star, 325 is a BMW or Uyajola 99. “The list is endless,” said Radebe. According to Nhlapo, their intention was to have the beer out by December last year, but there were many delays. “We worked on the recipe for all of last year, until it tasted the way we wanted it to,” he said.

They describe Fourty Four as a premium lager and explained craft beer has a short shelf life. “The difference with us is that we used hops that are imported, and that is why our beer can be in a clear bottle.” The trio said they have been pleasantly surprised by the reception of the beer. Radebe admitted the lockdown period was a setback in terms of distribution but they have received much love on social media. They have plans to add other beverages to the range and their long-term goal is to have a brewery in Tsakani. “We started everything from scratch. “You don’t need a perfect environment or time to action your passion. “Start where you are with what you have,” said Radebe. “Do your research and just be patient. “Find people who see the brand the way you envision it. “Fourty Four is a lifestyle movement, hence the merchandise,” said Nhlapo. Follow us on:   

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