Duduza missing girls found unharmed

They were spotted by members of the community in Extension 17, Tsakani, and police were notified.

Duduza – Three girls who were reported missing in Duduza have been found unharmed. The three youngsters, Khanyisile Ngwenya (12), Gugu Kganyapa (15) and Kamogelo Molefe (14), were found on Wednesday afternoon. Also Read: They were spotted by members of the community in Extension 17, Tsakani, and police were notified. “They were taken for medical check-ups and trauma counselling before being united with their families,” said Duduza police spokesperson Sgt Harry Manaka. Duduza SAPS station commander Lt Col Bheki Mhlungu expressed his relief that the girls were found unharmed. “We are urging parents not to wait 24 hours to report a suspected missing child,” he added.

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