Road of sewage a danger to motorists

Sewage spill on road a hazard to motorists

Sewage running down Grootvlei Road is becoming increasingly more dangerous as time goes on.

The road, which has a sharp bend in the area where the sewage flows across the surface, has been the sight of many accidents over the past few months.

It is feared that a life may be lost if nothing is done soon.

The police van overturned on the road early on Thursday morning.

The road is a busy one, with residents from Grootvlei, Payneville and Strubenvale Extension all making use of it.

Additionally, it is also used by parents dropping their children off at PLG Academy.

The sewage, which has been a problem for years, flows down Grootvlei Road from an unfinished reservoir built by the municipality a few years ago.

It appears as though the main pipe coming from the reservoir was not connected to the main sewer line.

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As a result, the sewage flows into the area immediately next to the reservoir and into the road.

In winter, the sewage turns into a slippery patch of ice, causing a hazard to motorists.

It is even more dangerous before and after sunset as the streetlights do not work.

Only one of the 18 streetlights along this road works.

A number of Grootvlei residents have been hijacked while entering the estate as it is easy for hijackers to lie in wait for them.

The sewage freezes overnight, posing a risk to motorists.

Clive Billowes, who works at the Grootvlei Estate, said last Wednesday morning, between 5am and 7am, about 10 vehicles spun out of control along the road, two of which had to be towed away due to damaged chassis.

The following morning, an SAPS van also overturned on the road.

The school and the estate have reported the problem to the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) numerous times, but nothing has been done.

“This situation requires urgent and immediate attention, before someone is killed.

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“If anyone is killed due to this problem it will be due to gross negligence on the council’s part as this problem has been brought to their attention a number of times,” said Billowes.

Ward councillor Dean Stone, who said the problem cannot continue as is, will look into why the CoE has not done anything about it despite numerous reports from residents.

Comment from the CoE has been requested and will be published once received.

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