CPF cleans Geduld Cemetery

Cleaning up starts at Geduld Cemetery

The Sector Six CPF had their work cut out for them on Saturday as they endeavoured to clean and bring back some respectability to the Geduld Cemetery.

These hardworking residents worked from 8am to 3pm to get as much work done as possible.

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Over the years, this cemetery has been subject to rampant vandalism, vagrancy and littering, and some tombstones have been destroyed.

Many residents feel the cemetery has become unsafe due to vagrancy and have stopped visiting the cemetery entirely.

Nkabli Nde was hard at work with the chainsaw to prune a bothersome tree.

Ward councillor Thulani Simelane says: “Vagrants come here during the night time and exchange drugs and sleep in the graveyard.

“People need to respect the deceased and this kind of behaviour is unacceptable.

“We need to bring back some dignity to this cemetery, some of these graves are 100 years old and it is unacceptable to have them treated in this way.”

In addition to cleaning up the litter, CPF members also pruned a large tree which was blocking one of the entrances.

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This took an enormous effort and some torque from a bakkie was required to get the job done.

Sector Six CPF chairperson Jaco Nel says: “We can’t have people be too afraid of visiting their deceased loved ones.”It is horrible to see graves desecrated and strewn with litter like this.

“Last year, the Sector Six CPF held a fortnightly patrol of the cemetery on weekends so residents could safely visit their deceased loved ones.”

The CPF say this is an ongoing process and a lot more has to be done to restore the cemetery to its former glory.

Clys Brits (left), Sone Bester, Chey Bester, Liezel Oosthuizen, Eugene Horton, Georde de Klerk and Benita Horton pruned trees that covered and obscured some of the tombstones.

According to Nel, one woman came to visit the cemetery for the first time in 18 years.

“This is the only time she has felt safe to come here.

“This shows how bad it has become, however, at the same time, it makes us feel like we are making a difference.”

Weed eaters, chainsaws and other equipment were provided by members of the CPF.

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