Old age home gets revamped to meet the needs of the elderly

Heineken North Region Ekurhuleni spends a day with the elderly at the Tsakane Old Age Home.

Tsakane – Heineken North Region Ekurhuleni spent a day with the elderly at the Tsakane Old Age Home on Friday.

This comes after the company volunteered to renovate the centre’s hall, install lights and a sliding door in their hall and donate a new television, 31 chairs and a refrigerator.

Centre manager Phoko Mokubung says: “We use our hall to host fund-raising events, and, unfortunately, the state of the hall and the dining hall was no longer appealing.

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“That’s when we saw the need to seek sponsorship to renovate the hall. And I believe the new user-friendly environment will contribute to the quality life of our elderly members, as they also use the hall for exercises.”

The hall was established in 1990 and had never been renovated since then.

“We are very grateful.

“This marks the first-ever renovations for our hall and we promise to take good care of it,” he adds.

The company first visited the centre in 2017 and that’s when they decided to build a relationship with them.

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This is part of their growing with communities initiative.

Millicent Maroga, corporate affairs director of Heineken, says: “We do business in various communities across the country, and it is only fitting to give back to those communities. Our aim on this project is to improve the living conditions of the elderly and to create moments of joy by connecting with ordinary people who are in their golden years.”

The centre is asking the community to assist them with roofing, floor tiles and window blinds.

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