Protest at Gibela Rail Consortium

He adds that, “Many workers here were promised free transport and housing.”

A protest broke out outside the Gibela Rail Consortium in Dunnottar on Wednesday morning.

The Springs police were on the scene but the protest remained peaceful.

The protest was led by a trade union called the National Transport Movement (NTM).

According to one of their representatives, the workers have a number of grievances that they want their employers to address.

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“We are frustrated at the wage gap between the employer and the workers.

“We ask that they give us a 20 per cent wage increase. We also want them to increase the overtime rate from 1.0 per cent to 1.5 per cent,” says the representative.

He adds that, “Many workers here were promised free transport and housing.

“We have people working here that come from all over and they need transport and housing for work.”

NTM also believes the company is not appointing key positions to people based on merit but through favouritism.

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The representative says they gave the employer one week’s notice before the strike.

The union has 12 points of grievances they wish to represent to the employer.

“We told him last week Monday that if he does not sit down and negotiate with us, we will start a toi toi, so we gave him more than enough time.”

According to the NTM representative, they were told that their demands could not be met because the company did not have the money.

A media inquiry has been sent to the company.

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