Ladies Mantobazane donates pads to local school

“This was only our first donation to schools, but we are hoping it is something we can do twice a year”

WEB HEADLINE: Ladies Mantobazane donates pads to local school

Duduza – The Duduza Branch of Ladies Mantombazane visited Thandi Elenor Sibeko Secondary School to donate sanitary towels for girls at the school.

Ayanda Msikinya, the administrator of the group, says this is in line with the aims of the group.

“Our purpose is to uplift and develop women in our area.

“Donating pads is just one of the ways we do this,” she says.

She says that the group hopes that the learners will take this example and help others.

“We understand that learners do not come from equal homes and as such, those who are privileged should learn from this deed and share with others that are needy,” she adds.

Also read: Grade 11 girls at Tlakula Secondary School receive reusable Palesa pads.

Msikinya says they specifically chose pads because they affect the girls’ education.

“There are some girls who use tissues and rags during their menstrual cycle, which is not healthy for them.

“There are even girls who resort to missing school because they do not have pads.

“This is our small way of making sure that all girls are in class and learning,” she explains.

This was the first donation of this nature that the group was making.

“This was only our first donation to schools, but we are hoping it is something we can do twice a year,” she concludes.

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