Springs Home Sweepers looking to mould KwaThema sports talent

"Parents and schools need to encourage girls to play sports, especially parents because it is hard for them to keep playing if they are not supported by their families."

KwaThema – The Springs Home Sweepers are looking to uplift the youth of KwaThema and return the township to its former glory.

The team will be holding trials at the Kwathema Stadium for their women’s and men’s u-13 to u-19 teams.

The trials will take place from 10am to 9pm on June 19. Mkhonza asks that all interested players call him and book their spot in the trials before arriving.

Also read: Springs Home Sweepers Football Club draw 1-1 against the North West Vaal University Football Club

“KwaThema used to be famous for producing sports stars like Teenage Dlala and the late Eudy Simelane – but of late, there are few positive role models for the young ones to look up to,” says Home Sweepers coach, Joseph Mkhonza.

To help remedy this, Home Sweepers male team has come together with other local teams Downtown, Focus, and Eleven Experience Juniors to participate in the Gauteng Development League as Springs Home Sweepers.

“We decided to enter the boys in this league because they play against the development sides of big teams like Orlando Pirates, so there is a chance that our players could get scouted by these teams, opening them up to bigger possibilities in sports,” he adds.

The team is not only focused on men’s soccer as their female team, also known as Springs Home Sweepers, participates in the Sasol league against other teams.

“This is an important league as it is from these games that players are selected to play for the national team, Banyana Banyana,” he says.

The female side is doing well in their league as they won 2-1 last weekend against Palace Super Falcon.

Mkhonza noted that although women’s soccer is supported in KwaThema, women’s sports in general is not.

“Parents and schools need to encourage girls to play sports, especially parents because it is hard for them to keep playing if they are not supported by their families,” he adds.

Also read: Local teams to participate in Gauteng Development League

Mkhonza asks the community to help make their vision for a greater sporting KwaThema a reality.

“We are not only looking for donations, but assistance can be in the form of knowledge, time or even driving the team to their games – anything that will help us return our township to its former glory,” he concludes.

For more information or to book your place in the trials, contact Mkhonza on 081 376 9493.

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