Latest Duduza crime stats

“It is only through hard work and dedication that safety of the community can be assured and for the community to be and feel safe at all times."

Duduza – 26 people have been arrested for various crimes in Duduza through various operations, involving EMPD, SAPS and CPF in the area over the weekend.

The operations began on Friday night where the EMPD and SAPS conducted numerous roadblocks and routine crime prevention patrols.

Tsakane police spokesperson Sgt Harry Manaka says eight people were arrested for drunk driving while four were arrested for possession of drugs.


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“On Saturday the detectives followed up on reported cases and arrested two people for house break-in and theft, one for possession of a stolen vehicle and five for assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm,” he explains.

The sector members arrested one for common assault during their patrols.

Manaka says from Sunday morning right through to Monday the detectives traced and arrested three suspects.

“They also arrested one suspect for murder just a few minutes after he stabbed and killed his son,” he says.

Manaka adds that this is part of an ongoing strategy to ensure that all cases opened are investigated and all known suspects are arrested and brought to justice.

“It is only through hard work and dedication that the safety of the community can be assured and for the community to be and feel safe at all times,” he adds.

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