Be safe this festive season

“When someone goes missing make sure that you report them to the nearest police station as soon as possible, as there is no waiting period.”

With the increasing number of cases of violence against women and children, the KwaThema Police have issued some safety tips to help in the fight against such crimes.

Police spokesman, Captain Thabo Sibuyi, says it is imperative for women and children to remain alert at all times and to memorise what happens around them.

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Some tips women, children and parents can use include:

• Avoid walking alone in the dark or in quiet places especially at night or in the early hours of the morning.

• Inform relatives, friends or a partner of where you are going, who you are going with and when you expect to be back.

• Before entering a taxi or any motor vehicle look if there are any suspicious people and also keep a record of the registration number and colour of the vehicle.

• Try to memorise the route the driver takes.

• Remember the face of the driver and people inside the motor vehicle.

• Have the numbers of your relatives or police on speed dial.

• Avoid sleeping in the vehicle.

• Do not agree to have sex with anyone in exchange for a job or any alcohol favours.

• Don’t accept liquor from strangers.

• Don’t accept a lift from people whom you don’t know.

• When you can feel you are drunk, call someone you know and trust to take you home.

• Avoid being on your cellphone all the time as it sometimes becomes a distraction.

Safety tips for stokvels

• If you are driving and are being followed, go to the nearest police station and report the matter.

• When someone goes missing, make sure you report them to the nearest police station as soon as possible, as there is no waiting period.

• Have as much information as possible and a recent photo of the missing persons.

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