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Dust yourself off and get back up again

You can be down today and happy tomorrow. It is all based on the decision of rising above your circumstances.

So many times we find ourselves stumbling over the same block again and again and again. That alone pushes many to throw in the towel of hope while the sweat of despair and perplexity continues to flow from our inner thoughts, right to the depths of our hearts.

The truth is we all find ourselves between a rock and a hard place.

However, what defines you is not the fall but the great strides taken after putting one foot in front of the other.

Most times we are kept and weighed down by the truth we keep from ourselves.

You are above every storm and know for every Goliath there is a David in you.

Truth is, no one is really exempted from pain.

You can think of any great person who has ever lived, at some point in their life that person has had to go through stuff.

The main picture I am trying to bring to play is in the midst of great trials your pursuit should always be to rise above the situation and get back up again.

No matter what it takes, it may not be instant but it is possible.

Even it means finding new friends, new hobbies, joining the gym, joining a prayer group or even getting rid of demotivating hobbies.

Like a boxer in the ring, the pursuit is not to get knocked out with a jab or two but to win the fight.

Thus you have to fight to stay on your feet.

Life is exactly like a boxing match, rounds are not the same.

When it gets tricky you have to remember what you learnt during your training sessions.

This means when tomorrow looks darker than today, you have to remember the wise words of those who have walked the journey before you.

Today consider the lessons you will give to the next generations and rise up, for there is a generation waiting to learn from your mistakes and feed on your pearls of wisdom.

You are way stronger than that situation.

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