Police help improve children’s centre

“We are concerned about the high number of young people who are taking drugs and who sometimes peddle drugs on the school premises."

Tsakane – Members of the Tsakane SAPS took time out to lend a helping hand to the children at Tshepo Hope Organisation last Wednesday.

The officers in blue along with CPF members painted and cleaned the centre and cooked for the children as part of their Mandela birthday celebrations.

Tsakane police spokesperson Sergeant Lerato Mngomezulu says the centre feeds young children from Langaville Extension Three after school.

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“We felt this is a good initiative to support because it caters for the needs of the children.

“Many of the children come from poor backgrounds and often many are forced to go to bed on an empty stomach.

“They also help the children with their homework and ensure that they don’t participate in any criminal activities after school.

“We need more centres like this one because they help us fight crime and substance abuse in the area.

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“We are concerned about the high number of young people who are taking drugs and who sometimes peddle drugs on the school premises.

“But through such initiatives the young people are motivated to do what is right and focus on their studies,” she says.


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