Residents fed up with unkept sports grounds in KwaThema

Concerned residents and sports activist are concerned about the state of sports facilities in the hood.

KwaThema – Sake Kgaphola, sport co-ordinator for Ward 79, says the metro is not doing their part in helping to groom young talent.

“Some of us are doing our best to get these children interested in sport.

“But what kind of facilities are we calling them to?”

He says that he has made numerous requests for the metro to grade the Extension Seven grounds.

Also read: Councillor pleads with community to stop vandalising sports facilities

“This is an informal field, which some of the local schools also use.

“But it is in a really bad condition.”

Kgaphola says a few months ago the metro eventually sent a contractor to do the work.

“They started and then left it incomplete.”

He says the field is unsafe because the athletes would easily trip on the stones and gravel.

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“Our children would perform better in competition if they practised in facilities that resemble the ones they compete on.

“To the community, it seems like we aren’t doing our jobs.”

The REPORTER has also received complaints from the residents about the overgrown grass at some of the sports grounds.

Innocent Mayoyo, chairperson of the KwaThema Sport Confederation, also alleges that they have been reporting the matter to the municipal offices and councillors since last year with no success.

Mayoyo’s Ace Auto Ayoba practises at the soccer ground on September Street in Ext Two.

“It makes it easier for criminals to hide stolen goods and target people to mug them of their valuables.

Now the unkept grass is also attracting illegal dumping, rats and mosquitoes.”

The metro was unable to respond to our media query by the time of publishing.


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