Hope for RDP houses revived as chief whip visits Tsakane

Residents of Extension 10 informal settlement hope the chief whip's visit will speed up the process and they will be allocated houses soon.

Tsakane – The ANC chief whip for Ekurhuleni Jongizizwe Dlabathi, accompanied by Ward 84 Clr Bongi Sibanyoni and metro officials visited the community of Extension 10 informal settlement last Friday.

The visit was part of Dlabathi’s oversight responsibility on the implementation of government service delivery objectives to the residents of Ekurhuleni.

“I committed to come and I came,” Dlabathi told the residents.

Also read: SEE PHOTOS: More than 80 RDP houses to be built in KwaThema

Thembi Xulu (58), who suffers from a heart condition, told Dlabathi how she had already applied for a RDP house and her subsidy has been long approved, but she has not been allocated.

“I am happy that the chief whip can see the conditions we live in and do something about it.”

Another resident, 65-year-old pensioner Joy Magagula, said she has been waiting for her house ever since she was moved from Makause informal settlement in Germiston in 2007.

Also read: Chief whip promises to demolish and rebuild dilapidated house

Dlabathi pleaded with the residents to be patient with the government processes as there are two mega housing developments that are currently underway in Ext 22, Tsakane and John Langalibalele Dube in Duduza.

The John Langalibalele Dube mega housing project was launched late last year.

“I strongly believe that pensioners and those who are registered for houses in 1996 should be prioritised.

“We acknowledge the fact that the living conditions are unbearable, but, equally encouraged that the basic necessities such as clean running water and sewer system are being provided”

“I have emphasised to the ward councillor to hold regular meetings to ensure that the community is kept informed about the developments,” Dlabathi said.

The informal settlement is home to more than 4 000 households.

Already, 177 families have been relocated to Ext 22 and the metro promises that the rest will be moved to John Dube Langalibalele Mega project.

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