Police arrest alleged nyaope dealer (26)

Members of the police known as the Rangers arrested a 26-year-old man in possession of 48 pieces of nyaope recently.

They received a tip-off from a community member.

Duduza SAPS spokesperson Sergeant Harry Manaka says the police conducted further investigations that led to the arrest.

Read: Twenty-five complete nyaope rehabilitation programme

“They confiscated the money that is believed to have been made from selling the drugs.

“The man will appear at the Nigel Magistrate’s Court as soon as he is charged.”

Also read: 900 packs of nyaope seized

Duduza SAPS station commander Lieutenant Colonel Bheki Mhlungu thanked the members for their commitment to fighting drugs in the community.

“This is another indication that Duduza SAPS will show no mercy or any tolerance towards people found in possession of any form of drugs, no matter how small or large the items are.

“This is another achievement for the drug and substance abuse awareness campaign.”

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