
The Association of Nigerian Students handles the current cut-off mark

As a rule, the higher cut-off mark is, the better quality of education the country has. A higher education is meant to form a generation for making future better.

Naij Newspaper informs that Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has agreed on 120 as the cut-off point to apply for university and 100 points to enroll in colleges and polytechnics.

That is why the National Association of Students in Nigeria (NANS) is reluctant to accept an astonishingly reduced cut-off mark. The lower the mark is the more degrading the studying in university becomes.

It has become a point of real discontent among people. The Association of Students is protesting not to take the decision seriously unless it is changed. NANS calls for reversing this not useful prescription for Nigerian education otherwise JAMB risks colliding with the outburst of students’ dissatisfaction.

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