Two men wanted for house break-in in KwaThema

Two men forced their way into a house in KwaThema and stole money and other valuables.

KwaThema – The police are investigating a case of house break-in after two men broke into a home in the area on Friday evening along Mabophe Street in Phase Three.

It is alleged that the complainant (25) was watching TV in her sister’s bedroom when she heard a knock on the door.

“When she opened the door she noticed two men who asked for her brother-in-law.

“The complainant disclosed that he was not at home but they continued to ask for his numbers and she went to the bedroom to take her phone.

“Before even reaching it one of the men confronted her with a knife in his right hand.

“The other man took a cellphone and watch from the table,” he says.

Sibuyi says the man with the knife warned the woman to remain quiet.

“The men demanded money as they further checked the chest of drawers in the house and took an undisclosed amount of money.

“They left the scene with the young woman unharmed.

“Anyone with information can contact detectives of KwaThema on 011 812 4600,” he says.

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