Three suspects arrested after a house break-in

Three suspects broke into a house in Duduza and demanded money, expensive clothes and bank cards pin.

Duduza – Three men have been arrested in connection with a house break-in on Tuesday afternoon.

This was after the group of males entered a house in Masechaba, in Duduza and pointed firearms at the owner.

Duduza police spokesman, Sargent Harry Manaka, says the owner had just arrived with his friend in the early hours of the morning.

“The owner received a call from his wife about people in the yard.

“While inspecting the yard the three unknown males came in and pointed firearms at them. They ordered them to lie down and then they were tied with shoe laces.

“While lying on the floor the males went into the bedrooms and took his clothes.

“They took his expensive caps and shoes, and then demanded that he give up his bank cards.

“One of the males then threatened to burn him with a heater if he did not give them his pin.

“After being told the pin number, the males then took keys to both his vehicles, a Toyota Yaris and a Mazda rustler bakkie, and drove off with his belongings,” he says.

Manaka says the owner, Gift Mandla Sibeko, then managed to break free and called the police for help.

Duduza police acted swiftly.

It was police from Tsakane who spotted the white Bakkie passing by and gave chase until they cornered it at the BP garage at the Kwa-Tema, Duduza rank.

“The two suspects were arrested in possession of the stolen Bakkie and some of his clothes.

“The third suspect was arrested at Tsakane Ext 11 with the second vehicle – a Toyota Yaris – that had been taken at the house.

“The three suspects will appear in court as soon,” he says.

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