Sign your NSFAS agreement now

Tertiary students who are beneficiaries of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) are urged to sign their loan agreements to avoid funding retraction.

The financial body says there are 63 558 students who have not yet signed their agreement forms and the Schedule of Particulars (SOP).

NSFAS spokesman, Kagiso Mamabolo, says the students need to sign the documents at their respective campuses.

“The terms and conditions of the student loan is that the loan amount is recorded in the loan agreement which will be paid as a credit to the student’s accounts with the university for academic, residence, student levies and other costs of pursuing the course of studies for which the student is registered.

He emphasised that NSFAS will not process any tuition payments for students who have not signed their agreements.

“We want the students to understand the risk, costs and obligations created by the financial assistance they are receiving.

“Therefore, the signing of the agreement is compulsory.

“All students are obliged to acknowledge that they understand the terms and conditions and the amount stipulated.

“However, funded students who are eligible for financial assistance will continue to receive funding until they complete their studies, provided they achieve the 50 per cent pass mark.

Kagiso says they are appealing to the students to do their part and sign the agreement for their own benefit.

“No credit agreement can be concluded without the signing of the agreement form and acceptance of the term and conditions,” he says.

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