Constructor shares his profit with community

KwaThema - Constructor Dumisani Mtshweni (44) believes in the saying that the hand that gives is the hand that receives.

He has donated 10 school shoes to children from disadvantaged backgrounds at Qedusizi Primary School.

Dumisani says the school is situated next to the River Club House, which he renovated recently.

“I identified that there was a need for school shoes.

• Read: Two schools get uniforms donation

“It pained me seeing some of the learners wearing torn-off shoes and other takkies and winter is creeping in.

“I understand the pain of not having a full school uniform while others do.

“This affects your concentration in class and steals your dignity because you always feel very small when playing with other learners.

“I decided to organise with the school to identify some of the learners who are in desperate need of new shoes,” he says.

• Also read: Uniform donation for needy youth

Mtshweni says that since he became a constructor 10 years ago, he has always improved the life of someone in each community in which he worked.

“It warms my heart no matter how small the donation is, because my parents taught me to share with others,” he says.

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