Campaign to reform young girls

Tsakane - Ekurhuleni East Cluster Tsakane SAPS recently held a planning meeting for a 'Ngiyi Ntombi Ezibekile' (I'm a girl who takes care of herself) function.

The event will focus on gangsterism and bullying awareness among girls in schools.

Tsakane spokesperson, Sergeant Lerato Mngomezulu, says the event will be in the form of dialogue among the girl learners.

• Read: SGHS supports Girls Need to Support Girls drive

“They will be discussing the challenges and issues affecting young girls that might be the reasons for their ill behaviour.

“They will also discuss the activities that girls engage in which lead to making bad decisions.

“We will also identify what needs to be done to help fight some of the social ills in schools.

“Through the platform they will come up with solutions for grooming them to become responsible people in society,“ she says.

Mngomezulu says that through such initiatives they are hoping to reform the girls.

“We have identified that these young women need support and positive role models from the community.

• Also read: Empower young girls to dream big

“It is all of our responsibility to ensure that these young women don’t turn to drugs, gangsterism or fall pregnant at a young age.

The event will be held on April 25 at the Tsakane Community Hall from 8.30am to 2pm.

For more information about the event, please contact Mngomezulu on 082 331 9079.

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