Collen helps learners tackle mathematics

KwaThema - Collen Msibi (26) is the solution to mathematics problems for Grade Eight to 10 learners.

He is the founder of Mathematics Excellency Academy at Langaville Secondary School.

Collen says the academy was founded six years ago after he realised that many learners didn’t have interest in taking pure mathematics in school.

•Read: Mathematics24 encourages pure mathematics in school

“Some of their reasons were that they find the subject boring and difficult to tackle.

“I didn’t understand this, because I used to enjoy the subject in school.

“I decided to offer lessons to some of the Grade 12 learners in my residential block,” he says.

Collen says the group started growing and attracting more learners.

“I decided to open an academy offering extra pure-mathematics classes on Saturdays.”

Collen is encouraging parents in Kwatsaduza to enrol their children for the extra lessons.

“These lessons are beneficial and we have seen an improvement in the learners’ attitude towards the subject.

• Also read: Mathematics Excelling Academy invites learners for extra classes

“Some of the learners enrol in the programme with very poor results and come out as top performers.

“We help change their attitude towards the subject. We also offer motivational career campaigns where people from different fields get to share their experiences,” he says.

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