How safe do commuter feel in a taxi?

According to a recent study by Arrive Alive, on minibus taxis and road safety in South Africa, “Of the 36 lives lost daily on our roads – three are killed in taxi-related incidents”.

How safe do commuters feel while using taxis? When we posed the question on our Whatsapp group, it was clear that people had very different views.

Samukelisiwe Masuku said, “Taxi services have improved, all thanks to traffic officers. Their (the taxi drivers’) driving skills have improved.”

• Read: Taxi blockades on the R24 and R21 cause chaos

Thabo Tsotetsi: “Not safe at all, but what can I do? I don’t have other option. In most accidents a taxi is involved. Their driving is bad and they overload (passengers). When you complain they tell you to get off.”

Sibusiso Hlophe said that in the twenty-one years that he has been a taxi driver, he has only been involved in one serious taxi accident, and none of his passengers were injured.

“There are a few ways that we ensure the safety of our commuters – from the roadworthiness of the vehicles, to the accreditation of the driver himself.”

Masechaba Millicent Mcira also commented on Whatsapp, “Taxis are safe when they in good, roadworthy condition. The only problem I have is with the reckless taxi drivers with a nasty attitude. They are the ones putting our lives at risk and, no, I have never been involved in a taxi accident.”

• Also read: Brave taxi driver saves his life and car, hijacker dies in failed attempt

Hlophe explained that if commuters encounter any problems on the road or perceive any negligence from the driver, they can report him.

“Just take down the registration of the taxi, and speak to the taxi marshal at that taxi rank,” said the taxi driver.

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