Connie needs your help

KwaThema - Connie Mogotsi is looking for someone willing to offer sewing classes to unemployed women in her community.

She has five wool-sewing machines she received from generous donors but is unable to operate them.

She says she already has a group of unemployed women who are interested in taking up lessons.

“They are keen to learn but, because I am unable to operate the machines, we haven’t started the lessons.

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“We need a volunteer to teach us how to operate the machines and also offer lessons,” she says.

Connie is distressed that the machines have been gathering dust in her garage for two years.

“The women always call me to find out if I have found a teacher and are disappointed when I tell them I haven’t.

“They are eager to learn,” she says.

Connie says she wants to empower women and create jobs in her community.

“It pains me that there are many women in the area who are unemployed.

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“They live on hand-outs and feel helpless because there are limited job opportunities.

“I also want to play a part in improving lives and create employment for women through partnering with a government department,” she says.

Connie adds that through the sewing skills they will be able to support themselves and set up a co-operative.

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