New website to improve communication

Tsakane - The youth of ward 85 launched an interactive community website over the weekend.

The website is aimed at improving communication between the councillor and the community.

Ward 85 councillor Sipho Sibiya says they are trying to adapt to modern forms of communication.

“We realised that many people in the area complained about the shortage of information.

“Many people are often unable to attend community meetings and therefore they miss important information about the development of the community,” he says.

He says through the website they will update the residents about new developments.

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“We will also link it with different institutions, especially those of government.

“They will be able to submit their grievances about poor service delivery and youth development.

“We are prioritising the issues of the youth.

“We understand that we have a challenge of unemployment in the ward.”

He adds that some of the youth are unemployed because they lack information.

“We will be posting bursaries, vacancies and business funding opportunities,” he says.

He adds that the government is providing 250MB of free Wi-Fi.

“The youth must use it wisely by searching on the websites to find out what opportunities there are.

“It cannot only be used for social media and downloading music,” he says.

Ekurhuleni Chief Whip Jongizizwe Dhlabathi says he has urged the councillor to conduct a skills audit.

“This will show us what types of skills we have and need in this community.

Read: Tsakane gets service delivery

“We need to know the number of people who are not working and those who want to venture into business.

“This will also help us in designing different programmes which are needed in the community.

“The time for working in the dark is over. We want to be practical,” he says.

The ward’s email address is

Here is the website link.

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